Outreachy Week 6: Modifying Expectations
Here is week 6, Halfway through my internship already. Wow, ⏳Time is just another stubborn illusion!
Looking back at my internship progress, I can proudly say I’ve set up a strong foundation that is going to sustain me throughout this second half of the internship.
In any project, be it software development or non related, Project management is crucial to it’s success. That’s why this blogpost is captioned Modifying Expectations.
A lot has been modified so far because we decided to approach this internship in a more Agile Methodology way.
Modifications Done📝
1. From the begining of this internship, We forsaw the need to homogenize our proposed timelines together. I can say that was a very strategic move since from the begining.
2. In every software project, They’re times you get stuck trying to solve that one issue or bug and that alone is a time 🧛VAMPIRE. I’m glad in this project we prioritize issues based on importance, difficulty and also taking into consideration the internship duration.
It’s okay to modify expectations as we are only humans. Not everything goes as planned all the time but the most important thing is that the WORK NEEDS TO BE DONE!.
See you in my next post and wish me Good Luck👍 as I round-up with my internship while gaining valuable experiences.. Thanks Pal!